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Educational games for children have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering parents a new way of keeping their children occupied while stimulating their development. However, many parents are expressing concerns about their children’s use of these applications. In this article, we’ll look at why parents worry about educational games for children and how we can counter this idea to promote their beneficial use.

jeux pour enfants

The rise of educational games for children

Educational games for children are growing in popularity, with a wide range of family applications available on the market. These games aim to combine the fun of play with educational elements, offering children an interactive and entertaining learning experience.
There are many benefits to educational games for children. They enable children to learn new skills, and strengthen their memory and reasoning abilities while developing their creativity and imagination. What’s more, these games can be used at home or at school, offering children an additional learning opportunity outside the traditional classroom environment, bringing them closer to the vision of a home of the future.

Parents’ concerns

Despite the many benefits of educational games for children, many parents are expressing concerns about their use by their children. These concerns can be attributed to a number of key factors, including information overload and the need to consume digital education differently.

Excessive screen time

One of the main concerns for parents is the excessive screen time that these games can cause. With the proliferation of electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones, children are increasingly exposed to screens from an early age. Parents fear that excessive use of these devices will limit the time their children spend on physical, social and creative activities.

Inappropriate content

Another major concern for parents is the inappropriate content to which their children may be exposed through educational games. Although these games are designed to be educational, there are concerns about the quality and relevance of the content, particularly in terms of lexical spelling. Some parents fear that their children may be exposed to incorrect information, advertising or inappropriate messages.

Screen addiction

Screen addiction is a growing concern in modern society, and educational games for children are no exception. Parents fear that their children are becoming addicted to these games, which can lead to a decline in their interest in other important activities, such as social interaction, physical activity, and outdoor play.

jeux pour enfants en ligne

Countering negative image

Despite these legitimate concerns, it is important to counter the negative image of educational games for children and promote their potential benefits. Here are a few ways of doing this:

Encouraging balance

It is essential to encourage a healthy balance between the use of educational games and other important activities. Parents can set limits on screen time and encourage their children to take part in physical activities, outdoor play and social interaction. By creating a balance, children can enjoy the benefits of educational games while developing other skills and exploring the world around them. A shared list application can be a useful tool for organizing these diverse activities.

Selecting appropriate applications

It is crucial to select appropriate, high-quality educational apps for children. Parents can thoroughly research the different family apps available, taking into account their child’s age, educational content, user reviews and expert recommendations. By choosing trusted apps, parents can be assured that their children will enjoy a positive educational experience.

Playing together

One effective way of countering parents’ worries is to play together with their children. By actively participating in educational games, parents can not only monitor the content but also ask questions and encourage discussion. Playing together also strengthens family ties and creates precious memories.

Making games part of everyday life

It is essential to integrate educational games into children’s daily lives, transforming them into continuous, interactive learning tools. Using a family application to keep track of favorite games or a shared list application to choose new activities can enrich this experience. These games help to combat information overload, encourage a different way of consuming education, and prepare for the home of the future.

This integration fosters intrinsic motivation to learn and develops skills such as asking questions and lexical spelling. Playing together strengthens family ties while anchoring learning in a pleasant and meaningful everyday context.

Monkey Learning, who are we?

Instead of writing dozens of lines to present our application to you, I think it’s simpler to discover it in video with commentary by the creator: Jean Charles Salvin.


Here’s another to help you understand how the game works.


Educational games for children can offer many benefits in terms of cognitive, social, and emotional development. It is important to counter the negative image often associated with these games and promote their beneficial use. By encouraging a healthy balance, selecting appropriate applications, playing together, and integrating games into everyday life, parents can support their children’s development while providing them with enriching educational experiences.

Educational games for children should not be seen as a threat, but rather as an opportunity for learning and entertainment. By adopting a balanced approach and promoting healthy user practices, parents can offer their children a positive experience with educational games, helping them to develop their skills and thrive in an ever-changing digital world.

Please find on IOS IPAD and Android Playstore type Monkey Learning and start to download our game and play it is free.

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